Rehoming Your Pet

Kern County Animal Services is unable to accept owner surrendered pets. We encourage pet owners to take advantage of the Rehome site by Adopt-A-Pet as a tool to rehome your pet.

  • Post your pet on Social Media platforms to engage family and friends for a possible solution.
  • Check with the Animal Shelter, Rescue, or breeder you originally obtained your pet from. Many agencies will take a pet back that was adopted from them
  • Reach out to pet rescues and Animal Shelters in the surrounding areas to determine if any have space to accept your pet.
  • Only consider rehoming your pet as an absolute last resort. Often times pet owners are faced with hardships that ease up days or weeks later. It may be only a short period of time that you and your pet need help.
  • The Humane Society of the United States has informational resources available online regarding rehoming your pet and separation anxiety
  • If pet food is a factor, contact 211 to inquire about food banks in your area. 
  • If behavior is an issue with your pet, consider seeking training guidance. GoodPup offers virtual options.
  • DO NOT LEAVE YOUR PET BEHIND. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR PET IN FRONT OF A SHELTER. Time and time again, animals are left in front of shelters in the hopes that the good people that work in Animal Welfare will take them and find them homes. Time and time again these animals are severely injured or killed in traffic, because they were frightened. Please use these resources, and please speak with our staff directly to give us a chance to help you before you abandon your pet.
  • Before you decide to rehome your pet, there are over 30 common and correctable behavior issues that pet owners often deal with. Most of these challenges can be overcome. Sometimes the help and guidance you need is only a click away.

Rehoming Resources

How To Successfully Rehome A Pet

Rehoming Your Dog in CA – Rehome by (

Tips for Rehoming Your Pet - East Bay SPCA

Rehoming your pet responsibly and humanely (

How to Rehome a Dog: Tips & Advice for Finding a Good Home | Petfinder

Rehoming a dog? Here's what you need to know. | ManyPets