Low-Cost Spay / Neuter


KCAS Spay/Neuter Clinic Overview


  • $20 if you are an Unincorporated Kern County Resident.
  • $0 (FREE) if you are Unincorporated Kern County Resident AND live zip codes 93305, 93306, 93307, or 93308. Discount will be applied during the review process of the application. Pet Owner will receive a separate email confirming the discount has been applied. 


  • Pet owner must fill out application.
  • Pet owner must be an Unincorporated Kern County Resident, Tehachapi Resident or Arvin Resident.
  • Pet owner must provide proof of address.Valid ID with current address or Utility bill with name and current address. (upload of proof of address is required) 
  • Up to 4 animals per household, per lifetime.
  • Animals 2 months - 7 years of age, weight 2 lbs. - 100 lbs.
  • Pet must be in overall good health.
  • A photo of pet.(upload of photo of pet is required)
  • Cats must arrive in an appropriately sized cat carrier or crate. One cat per carrier. 
  • Dogs must be on a leash at all times.

Pet's that do not qualify for the mobile clinics: 

  • Pets that have given birth with in the last 3 months of the clinic date or is currently lactating.
  • Pets that have had a prior c-sections or abdominal surgery.
  • Doberman and Doberman mixes - Due to possible blood clotting issues associated with the breed, the SNIP bus cannot accommodate. An appointment would need to be scheduled with a vet hospital for the procedure. 
  • For the Summer months July-September for the safety of your pet we will not be accepting and flat faced/smoosh faced cats or dogs, this includes, but is not limited to: Any Bulldog breeds- (French, English, British), Shih Tzu, Boston Terrier, Lhasa Apso, Brussel Griffon, Pekingese, Persian.


  • Pet owners are limited to a combination of 4 clinic appointments or vouchers per household, per lifetime.

 *Sign up does not guarantee appointment*
Once appointment is confirmed you will receive a confirmation email. Application approval process is 1-3 days. Be sure to check your spam folder.
Payment is due within 72 hours of appointment confirmation email to secure the appointment and to avoid cancellation. 

Low Income Voucher Programs 

 What is the process to get a voucher? 

  • You must be an unincorporated Kern County resident and meet all requirements for the voucher you are applying for. 
  • Contact a veterinarian on the participating Veterinarian's list provided below to schedule your pet's appointment. Be sure to ask the while scheduling if there are any requirements for the appointment and let the Veterinarian know you will be using a voucher from the County. Some Veterinarians do require vaccinations or may have an office fee. It is your responsibility as the Pet owner to ask if there are any out-of-pocket expenses after the voucher. 
  • Once you have the appointment, go to any of the locations listed to obtain the voucher within 30 days of your pet's appointment. 

Vouchers are non-transferable, we do not replace vouchers that have been lost, stolen damaged or expired. 

Low-Income Voucher Program $20 Copay per Voucher (vouchers are valid for 30 days)

Requirements: Must provide proof of address

                      Must provide proof of the household income. 

                      $20 Copay per voucher due at time of obtaining the voucher.

List of Participating Veterinarians for the Low-Income Voucher Program

Vouchers can only be used with the listed Participating Veterinarians; vouchers are not accepted at KCAS or SNIP Bus spay/neuter clinics. Vouchers have an expiration date. We ask you have an appointment with a participating Veterinarian prior to obtaining a voucher.

Save the Pitties Voucher Program $0 Copay

Requirements: Must provide proof of address

  List of Participating Veterinarians for the Save the Pitties Vouchers Program

Vouchers can only be used at a Participating Veterinarian; vouchers are not accepted at the S/N Clinics. Vouchers valid for 45 days. We ask you have an appointment with a participating Veterinarian prior to obtaining a voucher. 

 Where do I get the voucher? 

Additional Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Options

Critters Without Litters

Together Spay It Forward


Simi Valley Spay/Neuter Clinics (in Bakersfield / Kern County)

Kern S.A.F.E. Coalition 

Note: This page provides resources to help people spay/neuter their pets. If you need assistance with feral cats, see the Feral Cat Assistance page.